I am a WAHM to twin boys and a Chihuahua and wife to my wonderfully supportive husband who I love with all my heart. I am a Mind/Body/Spirit Practitioner, Ordained Minister, and Reiki Master Teacher. Each seemingly challenging experience I have, I turn into a learning and growth opportunity. I am blessed to be able to share my experiences and points of view with you. Love and Blessings!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

In the Light

Ah, freedom.  Freedom from the chains of despair.  Entering the light at the end of the tunnel can sometimes be a long road, and usually requires much work.  As we receive the light, it illuminates the light we already have inside us.  This helps us in moments of darkness in the future, but that darkness will be temporary, as we now know we can trust the Love we have in ourselves to get us through it.

We need to remember that the darkness was there for a reason,  it provided us with contrast.  It shows us how strong we really are and helps to learn how truly worthy we are.  We get to choose light over darkness...we realize we didn't have to be stuck anymore.  I am thankful for my time in my tunnel; as I look back I see how much I've accomplished and that helps me love my life even more.

Being in the light is so liberating.  It feels as though we have entered a whole new world.  The sun shines everyday, the sky is blue, the birds sing the sweetest songs. Our bodies and our hearts feel as though they have been touched by the Divine (because they have). We no longer feel trapped, scared and alone, but free, safe and loved.  Yes, it can feel scary at first, but we need to trust in ourselves.  Trust the work we have done to get here.  Trust that we can choose to hold on to this innate joy we have found.

It is time to get out there and do all of the fun things we didn't have the desire to do before.  Be in nature, go see a funny movie, dance, sing, run, play, and be around friends who lift us up even more.  We get to do all of the fun things we enjoyed long ago; so we should do them...NOW. 

Doing things that make us happy, being around people who make us happy is so so so good for us.  It keeps our light shining, just as it should.

So if you are still in the tunnel, continue that stride toward the light of joy, and do everything you can to maintain that light once you have been graced with it's presence.  If you have reached the light go, be free...live a life of pure LOVE.

Did I mention how so very good it feels?  Because, really...it is amazing. :)

Love and Blessings to you!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Perfection...why do we do it to ourselves?

Every mother that I know, myself included (because I know myself), strive for perfection in everything we do.  For the SAHM it is having a clean house, happy, well-adjusted children, cooking every meal from scratch, cloth diapering, crafts for the home, DIY everything, time, love and support for our husbands, and lots of love and attention for our kids to name a few.  For the working mother it is all of the above, plus excelling in our careers.  And for all of us in addition to that list is time for ourselves, time with girlfriends, and well, let’s be honest…sex.  So, when do we sleep?

We research and ask around to make sure we are doing everything right, reading books, blogs and articles written by the “experts”.  Constantly questioning ourselves, and making slight if not huge changes to what we are already doing.  We make ourselves crazy striving for perfection.  We tell ourselves that our kids are perfect (which is true), and that we have to make everything perfect for them (which is true, we just need to adjust our definition of perfect).  How about perfection being that we do our very best every single day?  When we make a “mistake” (handle a situation in a way that we told ourselves we wouldn’t), we can tell ourselves that tomorrow is a new day, the next challenge a new moment to do better.  And instead of beating ourselves up with guilt, we think about what lead us to handle the situation in a less than ideal way.  What do we need to do differently for ourselves?  Maybe instead of staying up late researching or pinning, we can go to bed sooner, to get more rest which inevitably gives us more patience.

We could set aside at least 15 minutes every day to do something for ourselves, something we really enjoy.  And, yes we do enjoy taking care of our children, but I’m talking about something for us.  We can afford to be selfish for a mere 15 minutes per day.  (Although, I think it should be closer to a whole hour each day, but that isn’t always feasible…but when it is…seize the day!)

We could maybe get up earlier to have some time to meditate, do yoga, exercise, or just sit in the quiet.  We could schedule time for ourselves each week to get out of the house ALONE for 30 minutes to an hour.  We could schedule much needed time with girlfriends once per month. 
We could join a mom’s group where we feel supported and accepted.  We need this, our kids and our husbands need for us to do it. 

It all comes down to knowing that in each moment we have, there is perfection in it.  We can shift our thinking about any situation.  We mess up; we can do better next time.  We learn from every experience we have.  Our kids teach us so much; we just have to pay attention.  Here is an example:  I’m rounding up my twin boys for diaper changes so we can get ready to leave the house.  We have less than 2 hours until nap time, so we need to get moving as our errands will take at least an hour and then we have lunch and play, then nap…and of course, I’m running a bit behind.  So I get Sweet Pea cooperating, however, Love Bug is running away from me (so frustrating!), well when I go after him, he is laughing hysterically because in his mind we’re playing a chasing game.  Sweet Pea hears the laughter and comes running in, also laughing.  Now I’m thinking, great, now I have to get both of them back into their room! I’m so irritated for the seconds it takes me get to Love Bug, then I see his adorable giggly self, and I really see him and I can’t help but smile and laugh (partly at myself for being such a grump).  I finally see this moment for what it is; my incredibly smart boys are teaching me.  This moment is a reminder to slow down, that schedules can be shifted, and to remember to have fun in everything we do.  Simply rounding up our children to leave the house can turn into a game and not put you too far off schedule if done right…and even if it does…how bad can that really be?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Back at it...

Oh my goodness, it has been a while since I have posted on here.  I am posting this here to help me stick to my word.  I will be posting more frequently now.  I love to write, I have so much in my head I want to say...so I will say it here.  I am working on a few posts now and hope to have them posted within one week.  Maybe even another blog specific to being a Mommy. :) This believing in yourself thing can be challenging at times, and has held me back in the past...I won't let that happen anymore.  I mean duh, I should read my 'Go for it!!!' blog post everyday. 

Love, Light and Blessings to you ALL!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Through the Tunnel

When we are emotionally stuck, it's as if we are in a tunnel; we feel as though all there is, is darkness. Even when we can see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, we shy away, because it hurts our eyes. We have become used to the darkness as we have become comfortable with the sadness, loneliness and fear. Looking at and acknowledging the light, is uncomfortable now. Much like we cover our eyes going from a dark movie theater to outside on a sunny summer day, our ego shies away from the light...it's different...it's scary...it provides a contrast to life, that we may not be ready to face.

We can come up with all sorts of excuses for remaining there. It will take too much work...It will take too long and I don't have time for that...Others might judge me...Now is just not a good time for me...It's not me that needs to change, it's them...I'm the victim...the list goes on and on. We need to remember to love ourselves enough to be happier...to do the work, to change something about ourselves that we are not entirely happy with. (I know that for some this may be incredibly hard to hear, and I apologize for that. Please know that you are always supported and loved wherever you are on your path). It's okay to want to change something about ourselves. It doesn't mean we are bad people. When we are ready, we can acknowledge it, accept it, and then receive the Love that surrounds us daily, and change it. We do have that ability. Anything done with Love is possible.

We are all worthy of Love and happiness. Remember that you have a purpose for being here. God didn't create us to feel unloved and unworthy. We were all created in Love. Think of a baby, maybe your own, or someone else’s. When you look at that baby you know that he/she is so worthy of love and to be taken care of. Let us remember that we, like a newborn baby, also need to be loved and taken care of. And that starts with the Spirit within us. When we love and accept ourselves, and take care of ourselves, we teach others that we are worthy.

When we're ready to leave the sorrow behind us and step into our joy, we can choose different paths. We can try to do it all on our own by trying to dig our way out of the tunnel, chipping away at the concrete and earth as if we are running from something. Without help, going from darkness to immediate light could sometimes be too much...and we might jump back into the tunnel for shelter. Or we can choose to walk toward the ever so small light that we see up ahead. As we walk toward it, it gets gradually brighter, allowing us to receive our joy. Our innate joy, that God has given us all, through His Spirit. As we get closer and closer to the light, we feel the ever so subtle process of transforming our Spirit from anger, resentment, and fear to Love, peace and light. When we keep pressing on toward our own inner peace, we need to keep our eyes on the prize. We don't need to get over those "bad" things in our life that cause us pain, but ever so bittersweetly teach us about who we are and what we can do; we need to get through those things. Face them, head on. All the while seeing that our joy is waiting on the other side. We can see that as we continue to move through the darkness, the light is beginning to shine on us, giving us even more strength to continue walking through.

Love and Blessings to YOU!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Go for it!!

I find it funny how we go through life trying to figure out who we are; when sometimes, on that journey inward, we can get further from ourselves. In times like this we are forced to go back to simpler times, to reflect on our past and really remember who we are. Remembering how we had complete and total faith as a child that things inevitably, will always get better (even when it didn't seem like it). Knowing that we are always learning more and are able to do more things.

Think about when you got your first bike. You were excited, maybe a little nervous, but you couldn't wait to ride. Eager to master the bike, so you wouldn't fall. Maybe using training wheels at first, and then gaining the courage to ride on two wheels. Just you and the wind. Remember how you felt about yourself. Free and accomplished.

For those of us who didn't quite practice riding a bike, we just hopped on and "rode like the wind"...until we fell...hard. Well, let us learn from that experience too. We do need to work to get what we want. Sometimes the work isn't always viewed as fun, but maybe we can capture that excitement we had about riding a bike and apply it to our current situation. The end result...what we are working so hard for...always pays off.

Looking back at moments like this, reminds us that we really can make things fun and simple. We have a desire, and do all the practice we need to do. And finally we figure out how to do the task at hand. As adults, we have the tendency to make things harder than they really are. We wait until we are "ready" to do the very thing that we want to do. When are we really ready? Don't we get to decide when we're ready? It's like we're sitting around waiting for someone to tell us that it is our time. Our time is always now.

We have the ability to accomplish whatever we know is right for us. It does take planning and preparation. But that is part of what makes attaining our goal so rewarding...the "work". We just need to be sure that what we are striving for is created and executed with Love. That what we are doing is for our highest good, and that will inevitably be good for those around us as well. Loving ourselves enough to follow our dreams is really what accomplishment is all about. When we love ourselves enough and know that God has great things in store for us, we can do anything. He is always there helping...even when we don't see or acknowledge Him.

I encourage you, no matter where you are in life, if there is something that you feel called to do, go for it! If it takes money you don't currently have, then start saving for it, you'll be one step closer than you were yesterday. Each day is a new day that we can do differently from yesterday.

Love, Peace and Blessings to YOU!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I suppose the best way to begin a blog is to introduce myself.  I am a woman who is strong in her convictions, loves with all her heart, and is fiercely loyal.  For those of you into astrology...you guessed it...I'm a Leo.  I am married to the perfect man for me, we have a Chihuahua mix that is full of life, and I am a mother to incredible, adorable, perfect twin boys.  I look back upon my life, and at times, I still can't believe how blessed I truly am.  I've done a lot of transforming with the help of God, family, friends and strangers over the past few years, and my life is such a blessing.

The idea behind this blog is to talk about anything really, provided it is based in LOVE.  I believe that when we approach life with a loving attitude, we are truly living and transforming ourselves and even those around us.  It may not be a huge transformation all at once, however anything is possible through love and I have seen it happen.  I am hopeful that others believe that, at least, it can happen over time.  All I ask of those who leave comments, is to remember the intention of this space; that is, of course, LOVE.

I welcome your thoughts and ideas, and look forward to sharing parts of my life with you, connecting with you, and perhaps, transforming with you.